Thursday, February 26, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

My quest for a new computer

This weekend I went home for a dentist appointment (and also to appease my parents), and I figured that this would be the opportune time for me to buy a new computer. My old laptop died about 3 weeks ago, due to some sort of motherboard issue. Basically, the only thing that started up when I pressed the power button was the fan.

Seeing that this weekend was President's Day weekend, I guessed that there would probably be some sales going on. Unfortunately for me, I have not gone computer shopping in a long time, and therefore was not prepared for the pain and sorrow that I ultimately experienced.

On Sunday morning, I looked at the Best Buy ad which displayed an HP laptop for the low, low price of $399. Even though I was loath to purchase another product from the devils that are Hewlett-Packard (my old laptop was an HP and had a long string of problems before its untimely demise), I had to admit that it was a pretty freakin' sweet deal. Alternatively, there was also an Acer laptop on sale for $450. It had essentially the same specs as the HP, but was slightly smaller and more janky looking. But it wasn't an HP. But I also had no idea if Acer made good laptops or not.

Anyway, Sunday afternoon rolled around and I headed out with my parents. Alas, they were sold out of the HP's. This provoked some nagging from my parents about why I shouldn't sleep in. Then the blue-shirted guy told us that they had sold out within the first hour. Bummer.

The other option was to get the Acer. But my mother wasn't very happy that I was spending 50 bucks more on a computer when my only motivation to get it was that they were in stock. I could have gotten a better (and more expensive) computer, but frankly I hate laptops, and I probably won't use a personal laptop after I graduate.

Well then. I was in a bit of a quandary.

After a bit of skulking around the retardedly narrow aisles, I made the semi-impulsive decision to get a desktop instead.

Best Buy had a few deals on desktops around, including a couple tiny ones. The best deal was an Acer that had a tower about 1/3 the size of a normal tower. It had 4GB of RAM, 320GB of hard drive, a reasonably good dual-core Intel Pentium chip, and the $429 package included a keyboard, mouse, and LCD monitor. Awesome! We called over a guy to ring us up.

As we were waiting in line to pay, my dad noticed that the box for the computer had different specs than were advertised... it only had 3GB of RAM, 160GB of hard drive, and (worst of all) an Intel Celeron processor! WTF mates. Turned out that the package deal was for a completely different computer.

In fact, their website had the same misleading deal (which I looked up later that night). Here you can see the awesome package:

But when you scroll farther down, you see that the package overview is different than what it claims as features!

What a gyp. Needless to say, we backed out before we paid for it.

I wasn't really impressed by any of the other packages they had, so we decided to go home and look for something online. I ended up finding a good deal at (which, by the way, is completely separate from the physical store). It is an HP, but I'm a little less picky when it comes to desktops. It is also a 1/3-size tower, and I am quite excited about it.

In conclusion, Best Buy sucks; I hate them. That's my story.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Second Annual Valentine's Day Self-Commiseration Post

Seeing that I am currently single, it would be quite the cliche for me to take this opportunity to complain about how stupid Valentine's Day is. Alternatively, I could talk about how much better off I am without having to worry about or deal with boyfriend issues.

But who would I really be kidding? Probably nobody. Being single is really effing boring sometimes, and in all honesty I would love it if some guy gave me jewelry for no other reason than having been guilt-tripped into it by the preponderance of department store ads.

So instead, I will skirt the topic altogether.

I've been listening to lots of catchy poppy music in a largely successful attempt to get rid of my semi-depressive state. I recently heard a song by a Brooklyn band Matt & Kim. I listened to some of their other stuff and was not a huge fan, but for some reason I found this one song awesome. Here it is:

I have also been trying to finish my scarf before the cold weather is gone. I'm predicting an epic fail, seeing that last year's scarf project didn't get finished until the end of spring. I have slightly more motivation this time around, though, because I have yet another scarfy idea poking around in the back of my head, begging for my needles to be free. It involves using this yarn (halo blue from Dollar Tree FTW) and this pattern. Woot I'm excited, dunno about anyone else.

Today was weird. My stress levels shot out the roof when I found out that the unsealed wheel bearing situation for FSAE was threatening to screw us in the ass. But then for some reason I was in a really good, almost giddy mood for the entire afternoon/evening. Maybe it was partially to do with the fact that we watched Meet Me In St. Louis in my film class today, which has a title song so annoyingly catchy that even one of the characters tells everyone to STFU. Fortunately, by some stroke of luck or heavenly blessing, I found out that we would not, in fact, be screwed. Oh happy day.

I have successfully procrastinated this entire week, such that I have two problem sets due Friday and I haven't started either. Go me! Now, time for sleeping.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Today was better

But don't ask me why.

Someone help me figure myself out

I'm trying to stay happy, but all of these wistful songs that Pandora keeps spewing at me are not helping. I like upbeat music too, ok? But if you keep feeding me Regina Spektor and Rilo Kiley and Stars and Coldplay (wtf I don't even like them that much), I think I might just drown. And no, the occasional Strokes song is not going to make it better, because it only reminds me of freshman year when I was naive and thought everything was fantastic.

If I could pinpoint the problem, it might be easier to deal with. But I can't. Everything is fine, great even. Objectively, I am completely satisfied with life.

I can't tell if I'm actually depressed or just chronically feeling sorry for myself. The former would be worrisome; the latter could be normal.