Monday, November 17, 2008

My moods are oscillating like an underdamped mass-spring system

In my previous post, I vented some strong emotions. I would just like to say now I have mostly recovered from yesterday's anger. Still, I don't think that my emotions are going to reach steady-state for a little while yet.

On Friday, I went with a bunch of FSAE people to see the new James Bond movie. It was pretty cool and I enjoyed it, although IMHO it was more of a general action movie than a slick Bond movie. After that, we went to a house party at Brian's, which was huge and crazy. It was also extremely awkward, as there were way too many people getting into my personal space. (Nihal later coined the term PSV - personal space violation.) There was also a guy there who kept hitting on me all night, which was extremely weird seeing that I was in no way remotely interested. Jaya seemed to get a huge kick out of it though.

In other news, I am incredibly stressed out. Although I guess that's not really news...


  1. lulz, i bet i was one of those people who was violating the hell out of your personal space. amirite?


  2. Haha you weren't that bad... It was more of the people who were getting way too close to my face.
